Age of Conan (Hyboriana)
For the past decade or so I've been running (on and off) a Conan RPG using a hack of the OD&D rules that uses Chainmail combat (essentially, my own Spellcraft & Swordplay RPG using Hyborian races and house rules for magic). More recently, in 2024, we switched the game over to Wasted Lands: The Dreaming Age, and it's been working phenomenally well.
This page serves as a hub for all of my Howardian studies and my game itself.
Core Game Rules
- Wasted Lands: The Dreaming Age
- Spellcraft & Swordplay Roleplaying Game
- Original Dungeons & Dragons PDFs
- Original Chainmail Rules
- OD&D Greyhawk
- OD&D Blackmoor
- OD&D Eldritch Wizardry
- OD&D Swords & Spells
- OD&D Gods, Demi-Gods, & Heroes
- Unfortunately, the current edition on WotC's DTRPG storefront does not include the original "Hyborian Age" pages from the original version in the 70s, for legal reasons. It still includes, however, a number of old pantheons (including Finnish, Norse, and Celtic, among others) that can be useful to an Hyborian Age game.
Age of Conan Hacks and Rules Addendums
- Age of Conan OD&D Hack
- This is my original hack of OD&D for use with Chainmail Combat and incorporating Hyborian Age classes, races, monsters, treasure, and the world. I have included the original OD&D GDGH pages as an appendix in here.
- Age of Conan 2: Secrets of Acheron
- Includes expanded magic rules, healing, Fate Points, and generally expands on the options for Hyborian Age gaming.
- Age of Conan 3: Secrets of the Black Circle
- Includes revised sorcery rules, revised summoning rules and tables, an expanded Hyborian bestiary, revised combat system, movement systems compatible with the Modiphius board game, revised grappling rules, and a writeup of the Kingdom of Acheron based on my campaign, including its culture, history, and deities.
- The Compleat Chainmail Combat System
- This is a very thorough study of using Chainmail as a combat system for OD&D. While the rules in my first Age of Conan book will suffice (and served as the basis for this), a gent who went by the handle of Aldarron took my rules, combined them with those posited by others, and put out a very, very complete combat system which, IMO, you shouldn't play OD&D without having by your side.
- OD&D-Style Cover for Compleat Chainmail Combat
- Philotomy's Musings, an essential exegesis on OD&D.
- 4-Panel DM Screen,
- Age of Conan OD&D Character Sheet
- Age of Conan games in Advanced Dungeons & Dragons
All of the above resources in this section can be found at my Classic Edition Fantasy Resources page. Please take the time to visit if you download these files!
Hyborian Age Gaming Study
All Hyborian Age Articles, by label tag
- OD&D in the Hyborian Age (Part I)
- OD&D Hyborian Age Part II (Races Part 1)
- My favorite Map of the Hyborian Age
- OD&D Hyborian Age Part III (Races Part 2)
- New Character Class: The Sorcerer
- Ponderings on Hyborian Age Gaming
- Original Age of Conan PDF Release Announcement
- Putting My Money Where My Mouth Is
- Age of Conan Revision Discussion
- Preparing for OD&D Age of Conan
- Release announcement of Secrets of Acheron
- 4-Panel Age of Conan DM Screen
- Final Revision Notes on original Age of Conan booklet
- Props from the Cimmerian!
- Battle Magic
- Revising the Thief Class
- Magic and Levels of Corruption
- Initial Study of and Proposal for Fate Points
- Tweaking the Sorcery System
- Thoughts after my first time running an Age of Conan OD&D game
- Thoughts on an OD&D Hyborian Bestiary (something I've yet to have the time to do)
- The Two Hyperboreas
- Conan Stats for Spellcraft & Swordplay
- Actual Play sessions 15-17 (see below) and general ponderings on pre-published modules
- The State of Conan Gaming today
Age of Conan Actual Play
The following posts are an incomplete record of my group's campaign. They form something of an example (and proof) of how OD&D works great as a system for Hyborian Age Gaming. 18 Sessions may not seem like a lot for a campaign that's gone on this long, but we rotate GMs, and on my rotation I swap off between 3-4 different games, so I haven't gotten to run as much as I'd like. We're gearing up to leap back in within the next few months, though, at which point I'll have an Obsidian Portal page set up.
- Session 1 (Starting Conan the Buccaneer, adapted from the original TSR Conan RPG module)
- Session 2
- Sessions 3 and 4
- Session 5 (Starting Vengeance of the Golden Skull scenario)
- Session 6
- Sessions 7 and 8
- Session 9 (Starting my own original The God in the Dark scenario)
- Session 10
- Session 11 (Starting Heretics of Tarantia scenario, converted from Mongoose)
- Session 12
- Session 13 (Epilogue and thoughts after first "season" of play)
- Session 14 (Starting Betrayer of Asgard scenario, converted from Mongoose)
- Sessions 15-17
- Session 18
Continued Actual Play
Our game has moved over to Obsidian Portal. You can follow along with the current sessions at our campaign page: Age of Conan - The Rise of Yig
General Howardiana
I could swear I've done more with REH on my blog. I must have forgotten to label it. Ugh, and it's going to be rough tracking it all down.
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