Age of Conan DM Screen

I've put together a DM screen for Age of Conan. It's 3-panel (front and back) and I designed it for my MasterScreen. Unfortunately, MasterScreen isn't made anymore, and since this is portrait it won't work for the Savage Worlds one. With the arrival of The World's Greatest Screen, which is a 4-panel, I added a fourth panel to fill it out. It has expanded combat guidelines and some common monster stats. It  works nicely. Or you can just print it all out on card stock and put it together (a bit of glue, scotch tape, trimming, and lamination would do the trick). Anyway, here it is. Enjoy.


  1. Thanks so much for this, and right on the tail of Acheron. You've made AoC an irresistable proposition!

  2. Well, I'm prepping for my own game so you all get to reap the benefits!


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