The Witch and Eldritch Witchery

I am working hard on putting the final touches on my next two books. The Witch and Eldritch Witchery . They are not quite ready for full on press releases or product announcements yet, but I am very, very excited about them. The Witch "The Witch" is designed to be used with "Basic Era" games. Games that were released in the late 70s and early 80s and whose legacy is being continued with games like Labyrinth Lord and Basic Fantasy RPG . The Witch will feature a new character class, the witch, and witchcraft Traditions so you can play any type of witch from fantasy, pulp or faerie tale. In addition there are going to be new monsters associated with the witch as well as tons of new spells and magic items. Many of which I have playtested over the last 12 years and some even dating back to my original notes I had written on the witch back in 1985. Also included are appendices for extending the "Magic-User" class into a proper ...