Reading Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, Part 41

That's right, folks; I'm back at it! It's been far, far, FAR too long. So let's not delay and get right back into it, shall we? In case you forgot where we left off, check here . If you're wondering what this is all about, start here . MULTIPLE CHARACTERS FOR A SINGLE PLAYER Here we see some more of Gygax's, "brook no fools" approach to DMing. Interestingly, the section is very clear that not only are multiple characters not discouraged, they can be actively encouraged in certain sitiations, with specific stipulations in play. To be clear, he's not talking about one player at a table running three different PCs at the same time. Indeed, the stipulations in place would seem to discourage that--multiple characters played by the same player should not be associates with one other, communicate directly with one another, or be able to freely interchange items and articles. Remember that at the time when AD&D was written, "campaigns...