
Low-res concept for SHAMA issue 1 cover Just keeping everyone in the loop. Working on getting a video together for the Kickstarter while awaiting the paperwork for the LLC and freelancer contracts from my attorney. Hopefully within a few weeks I'll be ready to launch the Kickstarter and get Shadows & Masks out the door! Meanwhile I'm plugging away at several freelance projects plus some staff work for Troll Lord Games . These include a Fifth Edition Book of Familiars and Companions that is currently in Kickstarter itself. I'm also working on getting those miniatures battle rules for the O.R.C.S. system complete so I can get those playtested and released. I plan to get a few adventure modules for Spellcraft & Swordplay contracted, written, edited and out the door as well. There are irons in the fire, but we've announced a few things that never came to pass, so I'm going to play it all close to the vest for the time being till we have things about ...