A Bit of Shameless Self-Promotion
I’m posting this here because of all my blogs, I have the most followers here. I’d like to encourage all of you to take a look at (and if you’re so inclined) to follow my new blog, Overpriced Popcorn: Film Reviews for the Rest of Us . I started this blog because I spend a lot of time complaining about film critics, how arrogant they tend to be and how off the pulse their fingers tend to be, as evidenced by the fact that there’s usually a 15-20% difference in positive reviews between critics and audiences over on Rotten Tomatoes. Given that film critics’ jobs are to educate the public on what’s good and bad, it seems odd to me that critics are so divorced from what the public actually likes. I’m not saying I’m the be-all, end-all solution, but I thought that I should put my money where my mouth is, and make an effort to do a review blog from the perspective of those of us who pay to see movies. I’m aware that the site will probably irk a lot of people in the sci-fi/fantasy