Something new in the works for ELG

Spellcraft & Swordplay - Where it it all began. You know, it strikes me that the best stuff from Elf Lair Games is stuff I just piddle around with and decide, "What the Hell?" That's how Spellcraft & Swordplay came to be, after all. It was originally just a thought experiment based around how OD&D was intended to use Chainmail combat, and before I knew what had happened, I'd drafted a pretty unique and individual yet still old-school feeling, game. It's been popular enough, too. Without me pushing it or putting out constant support materials, it's still selling copies here and there. I shudder to think what could've happened when it was still on peoples' radar if I had the wherewithal at the time to actually make a go of it. Ah, well. Missed opportunities and all that. Anyway, it looks like we're coming up on our next new major release. I've been putzing around with some rules for a...thing. A Fantasy thing. Which sho...