Index to an Exegesis on Advanced Dungeons & Dragons

I had a request over at the OD&D forums to put up an index of sorts to my "Reading Advanced Dungeons & Dragons" threads, as it was hard to read them in sequence, the poster said, using the tag search.  So here it is--all the posts in sequence.  I didn't take the time to list the contents of each one, as the more time I take on this is more time taken away from new AD&D blogs, and nobody wants that.  These are, however, in sequence as they appear in the AD&D DMG, each blog covering a couple of sections, with "sections" defined as those bits of text that fall beneath headers that are in bolded caps in the book...hopefully that makes sense.

So, here you go.  I'll try to keep this a living index as I add new sections to the series, so if you keep this post bookmarked you should always have the most up-to-date listing.

Oh, also, these will not open in a new window, so you may want to right click and "open in new window/tab/whatever."

Part 1: Foreward, Preface, The Game, Dice, Use of Miniatures, Playing Aids
Part 2: Creating the Player Character (Ability Scores, NPCs, Wish, Characteristics, Non-Professional Skills, Level of Experience for Starting Characters)
Part 3: Character Aging, Disease, and Death
Part 4: Death; Character Abilities, Races, and Classes
Part 5: Spying, Thief Abilities, Assassination XP, Use of Poison
Part 6: The Monster as Player Character, Lycanthropy, Alignment, Alignment Language, Changing Alignment
Part 7: Money (Starting Money, Expenses, Value & Reputed Properties of Gems and Jewelry)
Part 8: Armor, Armor Class, and Shields (Armor & Encumbrance, Armor Types, Helmets, Magic Armor, Magic Shields, Shield Use); Dexterity Armor Class Bonus (modifiers to AC adjustment); Weapon Types, "To Hit" Adjustments
Part 9: Hirelings
Part 10: Henchmen

Part 11: Time
Part 12: Character Spells (Acquisition of Cleric Spells, Acquisition of Magic User Spells, Acquisition of Illusionist Spells, Spells Beyond Those at Start, Recovery of Spells, Spell Casting, Tribal Spell Casters); Spell Explanations

Part 13: The Adventure (Adventures in the Outdoors, Land Adventures)

Part 14: Adventures in the Air (Maneuverability, Attack Modes, Aerial Missile Fire)

Part 15: Waterborne Adventures; Underwater Adventures

Part 16: Travel in the Known Universe, Outdoor Movement

Part 17: Infravision and Ultravision, Invisibility, Mirrors, Detection of Evil/Good, Listening at Doors

Part 18: Combat (Encounters, Combat and Initiative; Surprise; Initiative)

Part 19: Encounter Reactions, Missile Discharge, Grenade-Like Missiles

Part 20: Spellcasting During Melee (Effects of Cover on Spells and Spell-Like Abilities; Monster Charm Power); Turning Undead (Evil Clerics; Counter-Affecting)

Part 21: Further Actions (Close to Striking Range; Charge (AC of Charging Creature, Melee at End of Charge, Set Weapons against Charge); Strike Blows; Simultaneous Initiative; Weapon Speed Factor; Other Weapon Factor Determinants; Striking to Subdue; Special "To Hit" Bonuses)

Part 22: A Quick (personal) Note about Design Philosophy; Morale; Pursuit and Evasion

Part 23: Melee (Number of Opponents per Figure; Note Regarding "To Hit" Adjustments; Who Attacks Whom; Meleeing Opponent Spell Casters; Attack with Two Weapons; Breaking off from Melee; Monks' Open Hand Attacks; Actions During Combat and Other Time-Important Actions)

Part 24: Non-Lethal and Weaponless Procedures

Part 25: Combat Tables, Psionic Combat (Psionic vs. Psionic, Psionic vs. Defenseless Opponent)

Part 26: Saving Throws (Inc. Items, Artifacts, Poison, Magic Armor); Progression on the Combat Tables

Part 27: Hit Points (Recovery of Hit Points, Zero Hit Points)

Part 28: Effects of Drugs and Alcohol, Insanity, Experience (End of original effort)

Part 29: (Start of Second Effort) The Campaign (Setting Things in Motion, Climate & Ecology, Typical Inhabitants)

Part 30: Social Class in Advanced Dungeons & Dragons

Part 31: The Town and City Social Structure; Economies; Duties, Excises, Fees, Tariffs, Taxes, Tithes, & Tolls

Part 34: Placement of Magic Items

Part 35: Territory Development by Player Characters

Part 36: Peasants, Serfs, and Slaves; A Sample Dungeon; The First Dungeon Adventure

Part 36.1 (Addendum): Comparing Play Style between First and Third Editions

Part 37: Non-Player Characters (Personae, Facts, Traits, Reaction Adjustments, Height & Weight, Languages); Special Roles of the Dungeon Master; Hiring NPCs to Cast Spells or Use Devices

Part 38: Monsters and Organization; Use of Nonhuman Troops; Construction & Siege (Underground Construction & Construction Time, Siege Engines & Devices of War, Fire Tables, Attack Values)

Part 39: Conducting the Game (Rolling the Dice & Control of the Game)

Part 40: Handling Troublesome Players, Integration of Experienced or New Players into an Existing Campaign (End of Second Effort) 

Part 41: (Beginning of Third Effort) Multiple Characters for a Single Player, Intervention by Deities

Part 42: The Ongoing Campaign, Sixguns & Sorcery, and Mutants & Magic:

Note: as of December, 2018, I will no longer be updating this thread. Instead, it has been moved to a page that you can find at the top of the blog, or via this direct link. That page will be kept up from here on, as it's simply easier to find and access than this very old blog post. 


  1. I've begun going through to add the contents to each one so it'll be easier not only to read them in sequence, but to jump around to topics of interest. It'll be an ongoing thing, a few at a time, but any new posts in the future will have the topics covered.


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