Great Review of Night Shift over at ODD74!

 Reviews of Night Shift: VSW are starting to appear in the wild! 

The most recent is courtesy of Finarvyn over at the ODD74 message boards. Fin has posted a fantastic review of Night Shift: VSW  which does a solid job of breaking down what the game is, how it works, and what he likes about it. 

If you're on the fence about the game and want a bit more information, or you're just curious about what the game is, how it plays, and how it goes together, head over there and check it out! Then consider signing up for an account and stopping to stay awhile--it's a very cool place. 

As always, you can find Night Shift: VSW over at my website, where you can head to our store to pick up a physical copy or head over to DTRPG for your PDF!


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