Big News - new fiction mag, more gaming, Elf Lair LLC!

Big news, in the pipeline, folks! As you all have doubtless noticed, Elf Lair Games has languished in some degree of obscurity for several years, now, as I've pursued other projects. Well, a lot of things have come together recently that have put me in a position to make some big announcements.

Elf Lair Publishing will soon launch our new quarterly periodical, Shadows & Masks, a literary magazine in the style of the old dime novels, penny dreadfuls and pulps of the late 19th through mid-20th century. Featuring a stories, poetry and articles in a wide variety of genres from authors both new and established, we're looking to bring short-form pulp-style genre fiction back to the general public! Watch for the Kickstarter coming soon. I've already got a couple outstanding artists signed on for covers for issues 1-3, and industry names like Bill Coffin (Formerly of Palladium Books)and Steven Long (of Hero Games) are planned as featured fiction for the inaugural issue.

Along with the new magazine will come a redesign and re-branding of the website. Elf Lair Games and its (new) sister line, Elf Lair Publishing, will both be grouped under the umbrella of Elf Lair, LLC. I've had discussions with my attorney about getting us set up officially as an LLC and launching as a full-fledged business. We are excited about this development and will keep you posted as things progress!

In terms of our game line, I've just had some discussions with one of my silent partners about getting a line of old school adventure modules and smaller game products rocking soon, and I'm working on a set of miniatures (mass combat and skirmish) rules which will be powered by O.R.C.S. and compatible with S&S. If you know the history of S&S, you'll know the inspiration for these rules as well.

Things happened fast and all of a sudden (as they do) and big developments are on the horizon, so keep it here and spread the word!


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