Amazing Adventures Kickstarter - Upping the Ante!

Greetings from the Troll Dens!

Regarding the Amazing Adventures Kickstarter, some of you may have noticed an extra "S" in the 10K stretch goal.  Steve and Jason were talking last night and have decided to do a little something extra:  When we open that door, anyone at the $99 or above level will get 2 Amazing Adventures Players books for your table.  And -- hint, hint -- expect a few more secret doors to be popping up.  :-)

We also have a little bit of a challenge put forth by Steve and the TLG Trolls. We currently are at about $8,300 now. IF we make $10,000 by Friday (midnight), everyone at the $99 or above level will get a digest sized copy of the Amazing Adventures Core book! So if you are considering adding more, or changing your pledge, now is the best time.

And if you can help spread the word about it, we'd appreciate it. Here's a link you can share for the Kickstarter:



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