On and on we go

Sorry I haven't posted in a few days. Nothing really new to report. We're still selling great on Lulu, work continues on Twelve Parsecs, and I've begun to put some notes together for my Swords-and-Sorcery game, while Tim works on Vampire Queen and Eiru. I'm waiting on some in-house playtest comments from a board game I'm developing, then I have to find someone willing to manufacture it, if it's deemed worth manufacturing. The first edition may just be a "do it yourself" set of rules (the board can be drawn on any 1" hex grid, and minis can be used for pawns) on Lulu.

The trials and tribulations of trying to become a real publisher when I don't have a real bank account. Heh.

That's all for now. Sally forth and battle on!


  1. Vampire Queen is coming along nicely. I hope you all like it. Great old school feel.


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