Elf Lair Games "Paraphernalia"

Due to a number of requests from fans, I've set up a cafepress store where you can get tote bags, journals, travel mugs and stickers for S&S and Elf Lair. I also have a Zazzle store where you can buy T-shirts, hoodies, coffee mugs, beer steins, hats, and mouse pads (with more products coming).

In any case, the stores are here:



I'll likely update the designs periodically as we become more advanced in terms of art and layout. For now both stores are open for business, though as Zazzle adds more options I'll be gradually moving away from Cafepress, which is just too limited in what I can do and how I get paid. Plus, you can buy from the Zazzle store right at the top of my blog, and there's something to be said for that.


  1. Cool.
    I have a new game room that needs stocked with stuff.

    I like the Journal, http://www.cafepress.com/elflairgames.390830790 great for recording adventures or keeping DM notes.


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