Keto Friendly Hot Dog / Sausage Buns Recipe

 Hello, folks! It's been too long! Here we are with another recipe for you that I hope you'll enjoy. I'm still dialing this one in a bit, so this version may come out a BIT heavy, but they do taste great!

It's also worth noting that the sugar in the recipe is merely to help as a yeast starter, so it's negligible for carb count. I'm not 100% on what precisely the net carbs are in this one, but they should be fairly low. 

Without further ado, here we go: Keto Friendly Hot Dog or Sausage Buns!

Not actual product


2 teaspoons yeast
1 teaspon sugar
1 tablespoon Splenda (OR 2 tablespoons monkfruit/erythritol)
1 cup milk (warm)
½ tsp Salt
2 eggs
3 Tbsp butter, melted
Oil (just a drizzle or two)


  1. Mix yeast and 1 tsp of sugar into warm milk. Let sit for five minutes until it starts to foam up
  2. Mix 2.5 cups of flour (holding 1/4 cup in reserve) with Splenda and salt in a large bowl. Stir until well blended.
  3. Add one egg (hold one in reserve), melted butter, and activated milk/yeast mixture to the dry ingredients. Mix well until it forms a rough, sticky dough (the consistency will be somewhere between dough and batter). You can use a dough hook or just a nice, heavy wooden spoon. 
  4. Cover the dough tightly with plastic wrap or a tight-fitting lid if you have one. Let sit for five minutes to rest. 
  5. Transfer dough to a lightly-floured surface, lightly flour your hands (remember, it's sticky) and knead, gradually adding in the remaining quarter cup of flour as you do so. Do not be tempted to add additional flour even if the dough seems very sticky or thin. The flour on the kneading surface and your hands combined with the 1/4 cup you're adding in will be PLENTY. 
  6. Form the dough back into a ball and lightly grease the surface with more melted butter or oil (I used olive oil)
  7. Return the dough to the bowl and cover again. Let sit for 30 minutes to begin to rise.
  8. Punch down the dough to remove excess air. Return to lightly floured surface and roll out flat, then cut into eight equal sized pieces, each about six inches long. If it's easier, you can separate the dough before rolling it out, just so long as you have eight equally sized pieces. Then roll each out flat to six inches in length. 
  9. Roll up the dough lengthwise into cylinders, then pinch down the ends and the seam. You should now have eight six-inch loafs roughly bun-sized. 
  10. Transfer the loaves to a parchment-lined cookie sheet. 
  11. Whisk the remaining egg, then use as an egg wash to brush over the loaves
  12. Cover the loaves lightly and leave sit for 15 minutes to rise. 
  13. While they rise, preheat your oven to 350 degrees. 
  14. Uncover the loaves and place in the oven. Bake for 12-15 minutes, until golden brown on top. 
  15. Let the buns cool for 10 minutes or so, slice, and profit!


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