Conversion Is (Not Really) So Much Work!!!
It's one of the most common complaints I hear from people--they wish there was more support for whatever their favorite game line is, and they can't possibly convert from other games because it's just too much work; they might as well just write their own scenarios. While there's something to be said for writing your own scenarios, certainly it's true that not everyone has the time to do it. Still, there's a secret to running games that you need to embrace: converting an adventure from another game is not work, and it can be done on the fly from any game system to any other. Whether you're looking for new fantasy adentures for your favorite fantasy game or you're converting from a different genre altogether (pulp games, for example, are notorious for a dearth of adventures, but you can convert just about any fantasy adventure into a pulp one with a few quick changes). Here's the thing: the vast majority of every adventure module is text withou...