Amazing Adventures Support Materials!
I'm happy to announce that I came to an agreement with Troll Lord Games to produce support materials for Amazing Adventures . These will consist of a second adventure module entitled "Temple of the Red God," followed by regular brief e-book offerings. Our first module, Day of the Worm, has garnered several five-star reviews at DriveThruRPG . If we build enough of a sales base, e-books could be followed by print materials. Which means, if you want to support me and Amazing Adventures , buy the materials, but don't stop there--get OTHERS to buy them as well! Talk about the game and get others to talk about the game! Let's make this thing a success! Some of the support materials I have in mind: A supplement covering the aircraft of World War II, as well as one covering the armored vehicles of World War II. These could include expanded vehicle combat rules, but I haven't decided if that's needed yet. More weapons! Pulp scenarios co...